To Text or Not to Text – That’s the Question

In today’s world, everyone uses text messaging. From our eighty-year-old grandmothers to our five-year-old children, navigating a smart device is as essential to Americans as baseball and apple pie. It’s how we keep in touch with, quite literally, everyone. It’s a medium where three simple letters – LOL – can be sent without so much […]
What the Tea Leaves Can Teach Us About Marketing

Picture this: It’s early, and you’ve just arrived at the office. It’s so early, in fact, that you’ve snagged the coveted parking spot – the one you pass every morning, wondering who wakes up early enough to claim it. Well, today, it’s YOU. The office is still quiet. All you hear is the hum of […]
How to Know if Your Digital Marketing Strategy Is Working

As an agency owner, I often hear the question: “How do I know if my digital marketing is working?” Having been in the marketing industry for over 20 years, this is a hot-button topic I hear from business owners all the time. Many sit in meetings with their digital marketers to go through “the analytics,” […]